HOPE teams across the State marked the 16 Days in WA 2024 campaign, joining our voices to the chorus demanding an end to violence against women.

This year’s theme was Play Your Part, which encouraged everyone to become involved in changing the unhealthy attitudes and behaviours that lead to violence against women and their children.

Colour explosion in the Goldfields

HOPE’s Goldfields North team started the week by turning the Oasis Playing Fields into an explosion of colour with the fourth annual 16 Days in WA Kalgoorlie Colour Run.

Hundreds of children and adults joined the fun, including the police, firefighters and other local service providers.

It was an important event in the HOPE calendar as not only did it bring the Kalgoorlie community together to raise awareness of family and domestic violence, it also created an opportunity for residents to connect with local services and find out what support is available.

Marching in Perth

Down in Perth our team was among the hundreds who gathered in Forrest Chase for the 34rd March Against Domestic and Family Violence, hosted by the Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing on the 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

Those in attendance were privileged enough to hear experts by experience Ariel Bombara and Lorraine Pryor share their powerful and moving stories.

Around the State our teams have been attending marches, hosting morning teas and lunches, and having important conversations about how and where we can all take steps to end violence against women.

Hope Community Services operates two family and domestic violence hubs in WA; the Mara Pirni Healing Service in Kalgoorlie and the Waullo Dawn Healing Service in Armadale.


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