120+ Years we’ve been around
10,000+ People we’ve helped
We are a not-for-profit organisation that boldly embraces the toughest challenges in regional and remote Western Australia, and in pockets of metropolitan Perth.
We are HOPE
- We exist to bring Hope to people and communities facing the toughest challenges in Western Australia.
- To bring diligence, optimism, courage, and collaboration to those who need us most.
- To achieve lasting impact, we walk with you, wherever it takes us, for however long we are needed.
- We believe in a community-led approach.
- We act in humility.
- We seek out the wisdom of others.
- We are Hope.
- Each year we help thousands of people in the toughest situations to get back in control of their lives.

Our Values
- Diligence
We bring professionalism, commitment and integrity to everything we do.
- Optimism
We act in the firm belief that we can positively impact people’s lives.
- Courage
We actively seek to support people in the toughest situations to get back in control of their lives.
- Collaboration
We believe that by listening loudly and walking together we can harness the strengths of people, communities and partner agencies.
Our Strategic Plan
Hope has a clear vision for sustaining and expanding our services across Western Australia into 2023 and beyond based on our 5 key pillars of:
- Services that exceed expectations
- Clients and Communities back in control
- Passionate people up for the challenge
- Reputation for innovation
- Sustaining our impact

Hope Community Services acknowledges and respects the traditional First Nations owners of the lands on which we work, the first people of this country. We pay our respects to them, their culture, and their Elders, past, present and future.
Hope Community Services acknowledges and welcomes diversity in all its forms amongst staff and clients, including culture, language, race, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex variations, religion, and socio‑economic and relationship status.
Hope Community Services acknowledge the individual and collective experiences of those with a living or lived experience. We recognise their wise contribution at all levels throughout the business and value the courage of those who share their experiences for the purpose of creating safe spaces that improve mental health outcomes.
Accreditations & Certifications