Investment in a new alcohol and other drug detox facility in the Kimberley is welcome news, but the Cook Government must now commit to a Midwest detox facility.

Hope Community Services (HOPE) CEO Merinda March said the recent announcement that Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) Wunan had been engaged to deliver a low-medical withdrawal service in Kununurra was an important and positive step.

“Any investment in alcohol and other drug (AOD) services is to be welcomed, and it is really heartening to see this service will be delivered by an ACCO which has the cultural competency to build a service that will work for Kimberley communities,” Mrs March said.

“But we need a similar government commitment to AOD services in the Midwest.”

Consultation reveals urgent need

HOPE recently completed a community consultation throughout the Midwest to investigate the need for a low medical withdrawal (detox) within the region.

“There is an urgent need for a detox facility in the Midwest,” Mrs March stated. “Our recent community consultation uncovered accounts of people detoxing in police cells or heading out to the desert to detox by themselves, simply because they had no other option.

“That does not even consider the hundreds of people who want to start their recovery journey but can’t because the closest detox facility is five-hour drive away.”

Withdrawing – or “detoxing” – from alcohol and other drugs is the first step in the recovery process. Only once a person has completed this step can they access longer term rehabilitation programs and facilities.

Right now, people living in the Midwest who want support during their withdrawal must travel to Perth, Kalgoorlie or Roebourne to access services.

HOPE will soon be presenting these findings to the State Government for consideration.

“We call on Premier Roger Cook and Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson to take a close look at the findings from our consultation, and to prioritise the creation of a low medical withdrawal service in the Midwest,” Mrs March said.

Hope Community Services operates Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services in the Midwest, including the long term AOD residential rehabilitation facility Hope Springs Therapeutic Community

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