120+ Years we’ve been around
10,000+ People we’ve helped
As a client of HOPE, you have the right to:
- Access help and support to address your needs irrespective of age, gender, sexual identity, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, disability, marital status.
- Be properly assessed, and receive a safe, inclusive, high-quality service.
- Be respected, heard and listened to.
- Be informed and supported to understand options for services, treatments, and costs.
- Be included in discussions about decisions that affect you and be central in the planning of your program and goals.
- Ask to have an alternative counsellor or worker assigned if you are not okay with the current counsellor or worker.
- Have your family, friends and/or carers included in decisions if possible.
- Leave your program and be told what will happen if you do.
- Privacy and confidentiality of your personal information.
- Provide feedback to HOPE about your experience of our services and have your feedback responded to in a timely manner.
- Have your best interests treated as important.
As a client of HOPE, you have the responsibility to:
- Respect staff, volunteers and other clients of HOPE.
- Respect other people rights, especially their right to privacy and confidentiality.
- Ask for more information when you do not understand and help us provide you with services.
- Read, understand and agree to any service or house rules before signing.
- Keep appointments or tell HOPE if you can’t attend an appointment.
- Pay any program contributions as required.
Hope Community Services acknowledges and respects the traditional First Nations owners of the lands on which we work, the first people of this country. We pay our respects to them, their culture, and their Elders, past, present and future.
Hope Community Services acknowledges and welcomes diversity in all its forms amongst staff and clients, including culture, language, race, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex variations, religion, and socio‑economic and relationship status.
Hope Community Services acknowledge the individual and collective experiences of those with a living or lived experience. We recognise their wise contribution at all levels throughout the business and value the courage of those who share their experiences for the purpose of creating safe spaces that improve mental health outcomes.
Accreditations & Certifications